Course instructions and learning objectives

Instructions to complete this course:

  1. Complete each module in sequence. Each module will require watching and/or completing a related activity. The modules must be completed in order to complete the course.
  2. Once the modules are completed, then you will have access to the qualified assessment section (multiple choice questions).
  3. If you are successful on the qualified assessment, you will then move onto the course evaluation.
  4. Complete the course evaluation form. You will have then have access to a downloadable course completion certificate for your records.

Learning objectives:

Psychological safety is a belief that you are free to share your thoughts and not be punished for speaking your mind. It is an important area of research in the field of organizational behaviour. Current research has shown that organizations and teams with higher psychological safety are more productive, creative, and happier.  And teams and organizations that have higher psychological safety make better and more ethical decisions.

However, current research also shows that psychological safety is fragile within organizations and teams. Critical events such as new leadership, organizational strategy changes, and external situations (such as a pandemic) can adversely affect an organization's psychological safety.

In this video learning course, we will examine current research to better understand psychological safety for organizations and teams.  We will then introduce ways to assess and improve psychological safety for both organizations and teams.

Knowledge, skills and abilities

After completion of this course, the professional competence that can be achieved by participants:

  1. Understanding what is meant by the term psychological safety
  2. Understanding the importance of psychological safety to decision making and ethics
  3. Identifying the benefits of improving psychological safety within teams and organizations
  4. Exploring examples of organizations with both high and low psychological safety

For any questions that may arise in the completion of the program, please email [email protected]. You will receive a reply within 24 hours of receipt of your inquiry.

Professional Ethics - Improving Psychological Safety - Participant.pdf
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